The spice of life.

Please note, we do not perform chemical peels on first-time Lotus clients. Peels require proper preparation, discussion, and professional guidance to truly reap benefits. For new clients interested in our chemical peels, first book a custom facial or call to speak with a licensed esthetician.


Book this if you're a first time peel client! Even if you've had a peel elsewhere, we need to do the consult to create a solid treatment plan and keep everyone safe. Expect minimal-to-no downtime, and if you've never had a professional treatment, we'll need to discuss proper home-care.


This is for clients who have already had their intro peel and really want to amp up their results. Expect some peeling and flaking for anywhere for 3-10 days post-treatment. We recommend doing several level II peels before trying a level III peel, but your esthetician will evaluate at your appointment and make certain to choose the best peel for you.


Medium depth peel with 3-10 days of downtime. NOT for first time clients. We'll choose from a variety of professional peel blends and customize to best address your concerns. Keep in mind, peels are best done in a series and should be paired with proper homecare to achieve optimum results..

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