

The first FDA-Cleared microneedling device for the treatment of acne scars, uneven pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. Only the absolute best device for our clients.


  • When working towards correction and treatment of pitted acne scars, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and pigmentation, we usually do a series of 3-6 treatments spaced every 4 weeks. Book a consultation for a personal estimate and treatment plan.

  • Because collagen synthesis and skin revision requires time, you will not see immediate results. Most see visible changes in their skin by the 4 week mark, but results are cumulative with each treatment and also depend on client’s dedication to the aftercare protocol.

  • Each treatment is $350 and includes your face AND neck, prescription strength numbing cream for ultimate comfort, a cozy warm bed, and soothing post-treatment gel. We use the best microneedling device on the market and single-use, disposable microneedling tips for EVERY client to ensure safety and efficacy. No corner cutting here!

  • SkinPen® takes about an hour! The first 30 minutes are spent prepping and numbing your skin, and the remainder is used for the procedure itself and discussing proper aftercare.

  • Downtime with SkinPen® feels like a mild sunburn. You will leave Lotus a bit pink and pretty numb, so don’t plan on attending any important events post-treatment. Over the next 5 hours your numbing will wear off + you may feel a bit warm and tingly. We give you a soothing gel to help ease discomfort that may be applied as needed. A gentle cleanser, light hydrator, and mineral SPF are recommended post-care for the following 3-5 days. Your skin will flake a bit for a couple days, and once this subsides you may return to your regular routine.

  • We recommend anyone who receives a SkinPen® microneedling treatment starts an at home retinoid product. SkinBetter’s AlphaRet® is our personal favorite and can be picked up during business hours! Make certain to stop all active products 3 days prior to your appointment.

Please note, we do not perform SkinPen® Microneedling treatments on first-time Lotus clients. Microneedling requires proper preparation, discussion, and professional guidance to truly reap benefits. For new clients interested in our microneedling treatment, first book an in-person consultation or call to speak with a licensed esthetician.

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